I can only apologise for not writing on this blog more frequently. But when you read my following posts (to come!) you’ll completely understand why it’s been a difficult couple of weeks.
I’m going to be magic and go back in time and catch up on EVERYTHING that has happened since the beginning of January. Circumstances have occurred since our 12 week scan that we hadn’t even read/heard about, nevermind had the time to contemplate. BUT, we’re through the other side now and, certain that everything will continue on the successful streak that we’re currently embarking on!
So let’s go back to the beginning then…
Monday 16th January 2012: 8:45am – The 12 Week Scan.
We eagerly waited to be called into the Scanning room at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, with a overly full bladder (ouch!). We were briefed by a Midwife regarding the 12 week optional screening… we had already agreed between us that we wanted to go ahead with the screening. The screening that day would include a blood test and further look at several measurements of our little babbit during the scan.
We were beyond surprised to see how big our little babbit was! He was so lively too – bouncing all over, waving and dancing!
During the scan the sonographer looks at the nuchal fold and gives a measurement based on the visible fluid. Also known as the Nuchal Translucency measurement, this screening looks at the thickness of soft tissues at the nape of neck of the foetus. It was revealed that the Nuchal Translucency measurement for us, was on the cusp of the borderline between normal and ‘high’. The result measured at 3.5 mm. This is the actual borderline. We just couldn’t believe it. Albeit, it wasn’t as high as some peoples’ measurements that we’d heard of – some as high as 10 mm.
From then on, we were whisked off to a counselling room where another Midwife briefed us on our options.
We decided that we wanted further investigation and while I was having bloods taken, a referred to the Fetal Medicine Unit at University College London Hospital (UCLH) was set up . Because of the sensitivity of time, the referral was organised for the very next day. The appointment at UCLH would include a detailed scan, councelling and the invasive Chronic Villus Sampling (CVS) procedure based on the results of the scan and our consent. CVS would be able to tell us if there were any genetic/chromosomal abnormalities.
Here is our precious little babbit – aged 12+3 weeks. Due date measured as 27th July 2012 – the day the Olympics begin!
We went straight back to work following the scan and revelations. I spoke to my boss, who was beyond understanding. He agreed to giving me the rest of the week off owing the invasive nature of CVS and the risks attached (2% risk of miscarrying).
Once we got home, we looked online to try and fathom what actually happens after CVS and other peoples’ experiences. We found lots of forum posts and blog posts on CVS and the procedure, but failed to find details on what happened post-CVS, the results and what it means. Hence, why these following blog posts are going to be a little bit more detailed than my usual posts. We just wanted to share our experience with everyone!
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