Tuesday 20th March: 4D scan! Fetal Heart Echo (Echocardiogram) and 20 Week Anomaly Scan at UCLH.
This Tuesday we went back to the Fetal Medicine Unit for a repeat Echocardiogram, doubled up with our 20 week Anomaly Scan. We are absolutely chuffed to say that every appears normal and all of baby boys organs are working correctly. So we will have no further review organ-wise, which is great news! The specialist was also (more than!) kind enough to surprise us with a few sneaky peaks at a 4D scan of our baby boy! It was absolutely incredible.
The extensive scan did however highlight that in some views there was a suspicion of Talipes (club foot). But in other views both feet appeared normal. The specialist also noted that the range of movements in all joints is normal. So this basically means that we have to go back to the FMU in about 4 weeks time to have a repeat scan to confirm or exclude the suspicion.
If it is found that one of his feet are a little on the wonky side, there are tons of things that can be done – without the need of surgery. So we’re happy.
Just also curious to find out if you had a baby with a suspected club foot and your experiences? What happened after the birth?
Here are some measurements and findings from the Anomaly scan that you might find useful. We were told these measurements were pretty much spot on for gestation, 21+4 weeks.
Biparietal Diameter (BPD): 52.4 mm
Head Circumference (HC): 189.1 mm
Abdominal Circumference (AC): 168.0 mm
Nuchal Fold Thickness (NT): 5.3 mm
Nasal Bone: 7.3 mm
Femur Length: 34.1 mm
Estimated Fetal Weight (BPD, HC, AC, FL): 416g / 15oz