Weekly Update: 33 Weeks Pregnant

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/33weeks/

Baby size at 33 weeks: 44 cm long.

Baby weight at 33 weeks: 4+ lbs


What an absolutely awful week. I cannot tell you how much pain I’ve been in with SPD. I wrote a post on how I’ve been suffering, here>> Woe is me… I have SPD. I do feel slightly better today. But the pain in my coccyx is still there… being all resilient.

I didn’t manage to get to sleep until 5am this morning with Braxton Hicks. Pretty sure Baby Boy is ready to come, he’s moved really low down and I keep feeling a lot of pressure downstairs. But he’s not fully cooked yet, so he’s being warned (daily) to keep put… at least until 37 weeks anyway 🙂


So what is happening to baby boy this week?

You may be able to tell the difference between a jab from your baby’s elbow and a nudge from their knee these days. And you may sometimes be amazed at how much your bump visibly moves.

Your baby’s sleep patterns are similar to that of a newborn now and they spend more time in REM (short for Rapid Eye Movement) sleep than older children and adults. In REM sleep our eyelids flicker and we dream so it’s possible that your baby is spending much of their time dreaming!Your baby’s skull is still quite pliable.

The plates of bone that make up his skull have not completely fused. This is so he can ease out of the relatively narrow birth canal, the passage between your cervix and the opening of your vagina. But the bones in the rest of his body are hardening. Your baby’s skin is also gradually becoming less red and wrinkled as fat builds up underneath.


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