Meet Johanna Rossi, an Architecture graduate turned health coach, champion of women, Brit born, now long time Monaco resident and Mama of two!
Johanna is the founder of Raising Women – a brilliant community of connections and support that gives back to women less fortunate. A podcast to help mothers feel less alone and a coaching service to be able to do what Johanna loves best; supporting women to reach their potential.
Johanna talked to me about her inspirations, her support network, giving back and collaborations.
CB: Hello Johanna, first off, please introduce yourself and your background.
JR: I’m Johanna the founder of Raising Women, I’m also a mum of two, British and have been living in Monaco for the last 16 years. I have a very creative background and then studied to be a health coach when I had my children.
CB: Where did Raising Women all begin? What inspired you to start up your concept?
JR: Raising Women began when I was running a 6 week workshop called Nourish Camp here in Monaco, during that time I had a lightbulb moment that the women who I was working with have so many common doubts about life, even though they were on such different paths, and I wanted to form a community that would help them feel less alone in their journeys.
CB: Brand names are a really important first impression of what you’re about, so how did you come up with your brand name?
JR: Oh goodness, it took me ages, really, I think it took me around a month to finalise the name. I did so much brain storming, played with words etc. in the end I settled on Raising Women.
CB: What is your brand ethos?
JR: It’s really about acceptance of where another woman is on their journey and offering as much support as possible.
CB: On a day-to-day basis, what or who inspires you?
JR: So much inspires me, but I think on a day to day basis, it’s those little connections that are made that help me to make a little more sense of my journey. Being inspire by just how amazing the universe is and finding all the little pieces of my jigsaw.
CB: Can you tell us about or give us a sneaky peak of something new that’s coming up?
JR: If you have been following me online recently you will know that I’ve given up coaching, at the moment I’m going to be dedicating all my work time to painting and writing, so I’m very much in the making stage.
CB: Best piece of business advice?
JR: Make it sustainable. You’ll learn a lot about what you really want to be doing if you take on too much, as eventually a lot of things will have to give, but try and feel your way through your business ideas and make sure you feel at ease with them in the first place. Don’t take on things that make you anxious or don’t feel right, just because that is what you feel like you should be doing. Also in terms of time, you need to be at your best for you family so make sure what you are doing can fit in to a schedule that will allow you time to look after yourself and sleep.
CB: How do you juggle being a working Mama?
JR: As you say I juggle. I’m lucky in the sense that I work from home and fit my work around the kids schedule, I have little help and it is overwhelming and exhausting at times, but I’m learning what works and doesn’t for all the family.
CB: Anything you wish you’d known before you became a Mama / best piece of parenting advice?
JR: Very good question. I’d wish I’d know a lot more than I did, I think what I would have loved to known more about is the journey it would send me off on.
CB: Parenting-essentials, we know there are more than a few! But what is the one thing you can’t leave the house without? What is your most used piece of parenting/child paraphernalia?
JR: My children and 8 and 4 now, so I’m at that stage where I carry less around with me. It’s really silly but a packet of tissues! I’ve been in some really awkward situations when I’ve forgotten to put a packet in my bag!
CB: Along the same vein as above, what is your ultimate Mum-Essential? What is your go-to item that you just can’t live without?
JR: I’m not sure I have a go to item, I would say it would be more my ‘non-negotiables’, having fresh produce in the house and my herbal tea in the afternoon or evening, I love eating fresh whole foods and that also keep me feeling good.
CB: What gives you ‘Mum-Guilt’? And how do you get round it?
JR: How much time have you got! So many things. I’m not good at being separated from them, I worry constantly, and I’m not sure I have really found a cure! I’m OK when they are in there routines at school etc. but I’m not good if I have to leave them with someone else.
CB: Me-time is super important too, what do you like to do to zone-out?
JR: I love to hike, bike, walk, write and create, if I’m really tired and need real chill out time them a good movie.
CB: You’re an avid supporter of Women and the Sisterhood – is there anyone who you’d like to give a shout out to?
JR: Of course, however my list is so so long. I’ve met so many women along my journey who I’ve connected with for different reasons. I’m so grateful for all the women who have support my work, but moreover I’m grateful to those who have wholeheartedly accepted my journey and not questioned it. Those women know who they are and that I have a lot of love for them!
CB: Which are your go-to brands/shops?
JR: Oh to be honest I don’t really have any! We live very differently here and I’m not a huge shopper, weird right?!
CB: What current wardrobe item is your all-time favourite and why?
JR: A floaty Summer dress, as it has suddenly got very hot here!
CB: Choose 3 words to describe yesterday.
JR: Full, long, chaotic
CB: Tell us something about you that might surprise people.
JR: Oh erm, not sure what to say, I’m not good around people, especially new people or large groups. I get extremely anxious.
CB: You’re exceptionally caring and have created a growing-collection of beautiful items – with the added conscience that you’re giving back. You have chosen to give proceeds with every Charitee sold to CARE INTERNATIONAL UK (who support women and girls living in poverty and help them overcome inequality and fulfil their potential), how did the collaboration with CARE come about?
JR: Oh thank you! Yes I donate to Care and also to Look Good Feel Better UK and now to Gender Hopes Monaco. I wanted a business that gave back in some way. I’ve not had an easy journey, but I’ve had a good education that has allowed me to bring my ideas to fruition. I’m very aware that not everybody gets this opportunity and this is why I started working with Care. Emma aka The Fashion Craver chose the charity Look Good Feel Better for our collab on the Sistas Tee and I then chose Gender Hopes for the girl’s tees as I wanted to support a charity which dealt with issues for our younger generation too.
CB: What is the kindest thing anyone has ever done for you?
JR: Again this is a hard one. More recently I have to give a little shout out to Emma and Becky (Lady Bakewell-Park), we have never met yet these to women have supported me through a very difficult period of my life.
CB: Recommend a book, film or album from the past year.
JR: Women who run with the wolves, I listened to it recently on audiobook, it’s like it was written for me!
CB: What can you see out of your closest window / what is your current view?
JR: Rooftops and mountains.
CB: Other than with your family & friends, where would you most like to be this weekend and why?
JR: On my own in a big art studio, painting and writing. I have so much pent up creativity in me that needs to come out, I need space, time and headspace for it to do that and in my apartment with the demands of running a home and family that is difficult.
CB: Anything else you’d like to add in!
JR: Thank you for having me on to chat and also to all the women who have helped make Raising Women what it is today!
Johanna, its been a pleasure getting to know more about you – and watching your beautiful artwork! You’re one talented lady! Thank you so much for taking the time to chat!
You can shop my favourite Raising Women pieces in The Shop >> CLICK HERE
Be sure you sign up to the Raising Women community, follow on Instagram: @Raising_Women, listen to the inspiring podcast series and Shop with Raising Women to give back to those less fortunate in the process.
#NeverConciseChats #ClaireChatsToRAISINGWOMEN
#raisingwomen is a coaching service and an ever growing community of like minded women sharing their stories of navigating motherhood and solving the mystery of becoming their authentic selves. It’s a sistahood based on connection, support, honesty, trust and a hunger to fulfil their potential and live their fullest lives possible.
“I believe that every woman deserves a chance to become the best version of herself and live the best version of life in her own unique way. My mission is to help mothers strike a healthy balance between raising babies and raising their woman within”
– Johanna Rossi