That old argument: To eat or not to eat the Placenta?

It’s just been revealed that Mad (wo)Man, January Jones, ate her own placenta after giving birth to her first child last year.

The placenta hold key, essential vitamins that can boost energy after a draining birth. But what are your thoughts on consuming your own placenta? Do you know anyone, or have you yourself eaten your own placenta post-birth?

Would love to hear your thoughts!


Re-Scan: Echocardiogram and Anomaly Scan at 21+4 Weeks.

Tuesday 20th March: 4D scan! Fetal Heart Echo (Echocardiogram) and 20 Week Anomaly Scan at UCLH.

This Tuesday we went back to the Fetal Medicine Unit for a repeat Echocardiogram, doubled up with our 20 week Anomaly Scan. We are absolutely chuffed to say that every appears normal and all of baby boys organs are working correctly. So we will have no further review organ-wise, which is great news! The specialist was also (more than!) kind enough to surprise us with a few sneaky peaks at a 4D scan of our baby boy! It was absolutely incredible.

The extensive scan did however highlight that in some views there was a suspicion of Talipes (club foot). But in other views both feet appeared normal. The specialist also noted that the range of movements in all joints is normal. So this basically means that we have to go back to the FMU in about 4 weeks time to have a repeat scan to confirm or exclude the suspicion.

If it is found that one of his feet are a little on the wonky side, there are tons of things that can be done – without the need of surgery. So we’re happy.

Just also curious to find out if you had a baby with a suspected club foot and your experiences? What happened after the birth?

Here are some measurements and findings from the Anomaly scan that you might find useful. We were told these measurements were pretty much spot on for gestation, 21+4 weeks.

Biparietal Diameter (BPD): 52.4 mm

Head Circumference (HC): 189.1 mm

Abdominal Circumference (AC): 168.0 mm

Nuchal Fold Thickness (NT): 5.3 mm

Nasal Bone: 7.3 mm

Femur Length: 34.1 mm

Estimated Fetal Weight (BPD, HC, AC, FL): 416g / 15oz



Happy Mother’s, and Mother’s-to-be, Day!

I got my very first Mothers (to-be) Day card this weekend from my lovely sister!

I’m beyond excited – this time next year, it’ll be a real Mother’s Day card from my little boy! eep!

What have all you wonderful Mother’s and Mama’s-to-be been up to today?


20 Weeks Pregnant: Happy half-way day!

Today I’m 20 weeks pregnant… and this is how we look!

I’m absolutely loving having a bump, although I’m feeling pretty massive. Feeling bigger than I probably should, but it’s probably all the water I guzzle down! I just need to buy some more Maternity clothing to proudly show it off a bit more! A lot of my usual wardrobe is casual and loose fitting – so I’d like more tighter fitting clothing.

Most people usually have a scan at Week 20, mine will be performed at the Fetal Medicine Unit at almost 22 weeks as I will be having another Echocardiogram. But this is fine, some hospitals perform the ’20 Week scan’ between 18 and 22 weeks anyway.

So – how is baby doing and what changes are occurring at Week 20 then?


Up until now your baby has been measured from crown to rump but from this point on the measurement will be from crown to heel – and this week he is about 26cm long and is steadily gaining weight. Your baby weighs about 220-250 grams (about 8 to 9 ounces) and measures approximately 22 cm (about 8.7 inches). You could cup the little guy in the palm of your hand.

Your baby is truly starting to experience the world around him, limited though it may be. His brain has been working overtime developing the nerve centres dedicated to his senses, and they’re coming alive. He’s more responsive to the changes in the world around him: your activity, sounds in the environment, and even the taste of the amniotic fluid.

You’ve probably felt your baby rolling, diving, and kicking inside your belly. Now you might also feel a rhythmic jerking. No, he’s not tapping out a tune; he’s hiccuping. Most babies get the hiccups in utero, possibly due to an immature diaphragm having spasms. There’s nothing you can do to stop the hiccups, but there’s no need to-they won’t harm your baby now or after he’s born.

Out of breath? You may start to feel a bit puffed out after going up just a short flight of stairs. Some breathlessness is normal and may become more pronounced over the rest of your pregnancy as your expanding uterus (womb) pushes up against your lungs.

Check back next week for what’s happening at Week 21!


Blooming beautiful: Jessica Simpson poses nude for Elle magazine.

We all speculated for months whether she was or wasn’t expecting (even though it was blatantly obvious!) but now we’re all speculating about her due date! Poor Jessica Simpson, she’s had absolutely no rest from the Media. But maybe she likes it that way?! And, goodness knows how she’s been plodding along in the skyscraper heels! I’m waddling at just 5 months pregnant in my Converse Hi-Top’s!

How has she managed to wear these massive heels, so far into her pregnancy? Aside from the fact that they’re uncomfortable and would make your feet swell – surely they’re dangerous, no?

But all of this aside, Jessica has gone and done the usual celebrity thing and had a nude magazine shoot with Elle. She does however, look incredible! A picture of health and happiness. Jessica’s appearance on the cover came as she admitted to the magazine that she and fiancé Eric Johnson are expecting a little girl.

But Fashion Star mentor Jessica admitted she hoped their daughter would take more after her than her sportsman beau. She told the publication: ‘I swear, I will croak if she asks me for a pair of Nikes instead of Christian Louboutins!’

Check out the lovely photoshoot below…



And here are the copycat covers from over the years… taking inspiration from the original Demi Moore and Vanity Fair cover of 1981.





Boden: 25 % off, 3-day spectacular!


Oooooh! I just got a special email from Boden so thought I would share the love…

You can now receive 25% off selected products in Boden’s 3 Day Spectacular! It’s only valid for 3 days mind, so get yourselves over to the site now! Perfect timing for Mother’s Day!

Offer includes 25% off all Mini Boden, plus 25% off selected Womenswear, Menswear and Johnnie B styles.

Starts: 6th March 2012.

Expires: 8th March 2012.

Promotional code: 3DAF

Small print: All items which are included in this promotion show the discounted prices on the Boden website. No further discount will be applied in your shopping bag. This offer is valid until 23.59 on 8th March 2012, is available online only, is not for resale or publication and can be used once only.

Let me know what you purchase! I’m heading over to the right now!



Mamas and Papas: Maternity Spot Tankini.

We’ve literally just got back from a long weekend away to the LifeHouse Country Spa Resort, in Essex. Had a wonderful few days but the Spa definitely had its up’s and downs. Going to review the weekend below…

First off though, I wanted to show you my new ‘tankini’… something I never ever thought I’d buy!

Mamas and Papas Spot Tankini, £30,

I had been searching for a nice bikini that would grow with me, ready for my proposed water birth! But alas, it was February when I started looking… and apparently mothers don’t have holidays, or indeed water births, in colder months! (BOOHOO BRITISH HIGH STREET!)

I looked all over but just kept coming across full one-piece swimsuits or tankini’s… I’ve always been a bikini girl, so didn’t really contemplate a tankini and a one-piece will be well, useless during a water birth! ;o

I went to Mamas and Papas and looked over their range of tankini’s – DP said “Just try one on! See what it’s like!”. So I did and fell in love with this Spot Tankini. It’s the most comfortable piece of swimwear I’ve ever had! It’s supportive in all the right places and will definitely grow as bump grows!





CVS: The Fetal Echo (Echocardiogram) at 16 weeks.

Tuesday 14th February: Fetal Heart Echo (Echocardiogram), at UCLH.

Today we went back to the Fetal Medicine Unit in University College London Hospital (UCLH) for a specialist Heart scan. The scan was performed like any other normal ultra-sound scan, but was dedicated to looking closely at the heart; the way the blood flowed, the rate and a close look at the chambers of the heart. The sonographer will use colours on the monitor to look at the blood flow etc – so don’t be alarmed if you see lots of red and blue splats all over the screen! (This looks a bit like a heat map).

Look how much bigger he is! (Image above). All his organs are now well formed and his bones were all clearly visible. He was, again, moving all over! Such a lively little boy we have!

We’re very happy to say that everything looks on course here! The blood is flowing the correct way and he has a smashing heart rate. But we have to go back on 20th March just to have another look, when he’ll be much bigger; he’s still pretty tiny at the minute. But overall, no cause for concern! 😀




CVS: The Full Results.

Thursday 2nd February: The full results came back.

I had anxiously waited all week for that ‘BLOCKED’ number to call me again. It got to 4pm every day and I felt physically sick. I was shaky, dizzy and unable to concentrate at work. I was going to give it until Friday 3rd February at lunchtime, and then I was going to call UCLH to chase up the results. I couldn’t bear another weekend not knowing.

We got home from another tiring day at work, I felt withdrawn and exhausted and drained at the fact I hadn’t had that phone call, again.

There was a few pieces of post on the doormat… including one postmarked ‘London’, the address was handwritten. I just KNEW these were the results. I felt that pang of sickness and dizziness again.

We sat down together on the sofa as I struggled to open the envelope. I quickly glanced over the letter just looking for the words ‘normal’ and ‘positive’ and ‘clear’. The letter was a generic, photocopied letter.

But we saw the words we desperately wanted.

“We are writing to inform you that the results from your CVS demonstrate that your baby has a normal chromosome pattern“.

We were overjoyed! The letter was post-marked as 30th January, so the results took less than the two weeks to actually come back. Shame the hospital couldn’t call me to tell me directly – it would have saved a whole lot of agony. But still, we got the results we hoped for!

The letter also stated that we could call the FMU department to find out the sex of our baby. We we desperate to find out! So I called first thing the next day and they called back to tell me that we were having a LITTLE BABY BOY!! Absolutely ecstatic. We weren’t hoping for a boy or a girl specifically, but were beyond surprised to find out we’re having a boy! My partner is the last male on his families side, so we’ll be carrying his family name on – which is a wonderful bonus! We’re still in shock – but it’s so lovely to be able to bond with him properly now. Our little boy 🙂 Most people don’t get to find out the sex of their baby until the 20 week scan and even then, the scan isn’t 100% accurate! So we felt a little bit smug knowing that we’re having a boy, and that it 100% definitely is a boy! 😀

The next stage was an Echocardiogram (detailed Fetal heart scan) at 16 weeks – scheduled for Tuesday 14th February. Aptly, on Valentines Day.


CVS: The Rapid Result.

Wednesday 18th January: The Rapid Result came back.

I was laid on the sofa with the quilt, again, running through every single scenario possible. We were told that we’d get the rapid result back within 3 working days, and that an FMU midwife would call after 5pm. We anticipated that we’d get the phone call on Friday 20th January. My mobile started ringing at around 5pm. The number was ‘BLOCKED’. I knew it had to be them. I sat myself up and prepared myself.

The FMU midwife asked me to confirm my name and date of birth and then said the words we’d only hoped for, the results were NORMAL. That meant that there were no abnormalities with regards to Down Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome or Pateau Syndrome.

I rang my partner first and we both cried. I then rang my parents and close family – then my best friend. We all could breathe a sign of relief and relax, a little bit, until the final report came through…

This was the most agonising 2 week wait of our entire lives.