TISSERAND // Clary Sage Essential Oil – 9ml




Clary sage has oestrogen-regulating and stimulating properties, because of its similar chemical structure to oestrogen. It has had a long association for use with menstrual problems. It is also thought to have a stimulating effect on pregnant women so it is advised not to be used before 37 weeks of pregnancy. 


This giant of the sage family was traditionally used in the musky perfumes of the rich aristocracy. The tall purple and pink flowers are laden with fragrance during the summer months and when cut down, the plant is sticky with essential oil.

In modern aromatherapy, Clary Sage is often used in treatments for women during transitional periods such as puberty, labour and menopause due to its restorative and balancing effects.

Used in massage or a vaporising blend, Clary Sage can help improve the symptoms of menstruation and menopause, such as cramp, tiredness and mood swings, bringing calm and balance to the body and mind.


It was Robert Tisserand’s mother who first introduced him to aromatherapy, leading to a passion for the subject that continues to this day.

At the age of 17, on a train taking him back to boarding school, Robert decided that he wanted to share the benefits of essential oils with others, to improve their health and happiness. His vision was to bring essential oil based products into everyone’s home.

After years of studying and practising as an aromatherapist, Robert started the Aromatic Oil Company in 1974, from his bedroom in a South London house. During the next 11 years, despite financial struggle and discouragement from others, Robert hand-bottled the oils, hand-wrote the label for each bottle and packed the parcels that he would despatch to customers every Saturday morning from his local post office.

Having taken eight years to write it, Robert’s first book – The Art of Aromatherapy – was published in 1977. In his book, Robert talks about nature, life force, the planets and the elements.

It was in 1984 that a new company, Aromatherapy Products Ltd, was formed, allowing Robert to act as essential oil and formulations consultant, fully utilising his years of experience.


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