Fig 1:
Baby size at 29 weeks: 39cm long.
Baby weight at 29 weeks: 2.5 lbs+
I’ve had another difficult week. Felt completely drained. It’s like attack of the first trimester, all over again! Had a dicky tummy at the start of the week and threw up on Wednesday morning. I must have been fighting a tummy bug off I think.
On Tuesday we visited Broomfield Hospital again and ended up with an emergency scan! Read about it here>> Measuring 34 weeks at 28 weeks! But everything is fine, and we’ve also been told we don’t need to go back for our 32 week scan now! Which is great, we’re over the moon – I can actually begin to relax. The next time we visit Broomfield will be for Labour – which is pretty scary! Not long now!! 😀
Baby boy has been incredibly active this week. I can’t get over how much he wriggles and moves! It’s amazing watching my tummy and he gets himself into a comfy position. I’ve been trying to video it, but he goes camera shy! Typical! He’s had an increase in hiccups too. This is apparently good though, it means his lungs are functioning properly and he’s taking in the amniotic fluid as he should be.
So what is happening to baby boy this week?
Your baby’s head is getting bigger to make room for his developing brain. Nearly all babies react to sound and light by the end of this week. At this stage your baby’s lungs have matured so their survival rate outside the womb is significantly higher.
Your baby’s head is now growing larger to make room for the ever-developing brain. This amazing brain can detect rhythmic breathing and also control body temperature. Research speculates that babies can dream by this stage of development.
Your baby’s adrenal glands are helping to make oestriol. This is thought to stimulate the production of prolactin which is responsible for the production of milk. This means that even babies born early will be able to breastfeed from their mothers.