Happy New Year!

My first post of 2012! Pretty exciting! I’m going to have a baby this year! Now that IS exciting. Exciting, exhilarating and well, scary! But I cannot wait!

I just wanted to give a quick note that today I am 10 weeks and 4 days. I feel huge. I have a proper bump. If I hadn’t have had an early scan already, I would definitely not be mistaken for having twins! I will have to take some photos of my bump in progress!

I’ve had a really bad cold the past few days – which I have struggled with at times due to not being able to have medication. But at least I’ve had a few days off because of the New Year, so have just slept and rested my feet up. Bliss. It’s back to work tomorrow though. BOOOOO!

Hope you all had enjoyable Christmasses and New Year celebrations – wishing you all the very best in 2012!