Our GroCompany purchases: Swaddles, GroBags and GroEgg.

We first came across the Gro Company when researching cot’s and moses baskets. We completely fell in love with the pretty patterns and prints of their now-famous Gro Bags (baby sleeping bags) and decided that on that alone we would definitely purchase a few for baby boy bump! The Gro Company are the original, and only company to be recommended by the FSiD.

So I signed up to the mailing list and received a lovely catalogue through the door. The designs are so lovely we could have bought them all! We had decided that we wanted to swaddle baby boy bump when he arrives – so went straight to the GroSwaddles section.

We’ve gone for the ‘Woodland Friends’ and a twin-pack of the ‘Wish Upon A Star’ print.

Woodland Friends GroSwaddle £11.50. Click here to purchase exclusively online at JohnLewis.com.

We also opted for the ‘Day/Night’ twin pack and a ‘Little Trikes’ sleeping bag. Absolutely love the Little Trikes print. It looks and feels really vintage – but in a good way!

Click here to purchase GroBag sleeping bags exclusively online at JohnLewis.com

From the catalogue you can receive a massive 25% off when you order over £40 – so we thought ‘Sod it, let’s buy a GroEgg while we’re at it!’. So we did. Looking forward to using it! Had a trial run in the bedroom last night…turns out that bay boy’s bedroom isn’t a bad temperature! The GroEgg will also make for a great nightlight too!

GroEgg Room Themometer, £19.94. Click here to purchase at JohnLewis.com


All in all, we’re pretty chuffed with the quality of all the products now that they’ve arrived. We can’t wait to use them!

Have you had your little one’s in any Gro Company products?



Weekly Update: 26 Weeks Pregnant

 Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/26weeks/

Baby size at 26 weeks: 36cm long.

Baby weight at 26 weeks: 760g+


Feel like I’ve had a good week – all things considered! I started the week at the dentist on Monday, getting fillings and a gum guard for nighttime wear. I was very brave 🙂

Wednesday we were back at the Fetal Medicine Unit in UCLH for the re-scan of baby boy bump’s feet. We found that he does have Bilateral Talipes, but it’s extremely mild right now. So we were chuffed with that. Read what happened during the hospital appointment, here.

This week I’ve found that I’m getting really bad back ache. I can’t stand or walk for long before I need a sit down. So strange for me! I’ve also noticed that I’m going to the loo a lot more often and have had a few bouts of heartburn. But aside from that, I’m feeling pretty good!

So what is happening to baby boy this week?

His response to sound grows more consistent towards the end of the seventh month, when the network of nerves to her ears is complete. He may be able to hear you and your partner chatting. Your baby also continues to take small breaths, getting plenty of practice for when he’s born. It’s all preparation for when he takes that first gulp of air. Since your baby is now growing so fast, and brain development is so intense at this stage, your nutrition is very important.

This week baby boy’s eyes open for the first time and blinking starts. Until now they have been fused shut to protect the developing eyes. Depending on your baby’s ethnicity, their eye colour may be anything from blue to almost black. Baby boy can’t see much as it’s pretty dark inside your womb, although light will penetrate if it’s very bright.

Your baby’s hands are strong and mobile, and a lot of waking time is spent exploring with them.

Your baby can push quite strongly against the wall of your womb now and this may be uncomfortable at times. When your baby stretches, you may even be able to distinguish different body parts through your bump – a little foot or a hard, round head. In a couple of weeks other people will be able to see your bump moving too.


Weekly Update: 25 Weeks Pregnant

 Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/25weeks/

Baby size at 25 weeks: 35cm long.

Baby weight at 25 weeks: 660g+


Had another tiring week – it’s felt like I’ve been at work FOREVER. Certainly didn’t feel like we’d only been in for 4 days because of the Bank Holiday on Monday… SHATTERED.

I’ve also been feeling a lot heavier this week. My back and pelvis have been aching and it’s become gradually worse throughout the week. I’m sat writing this with a hot water bottle on my back – something I haven’t needed since my periods stopped! So it feels very strange… to the point where I’m feeling a little bit melancholy tonight 🙁

But on a brighter note, baby boy has been excellent this week. Kicking a tremendous amount again. Albeit, he did keep me awake all night on Monday – so I’ve not been able to catch up with my sleep really. I also woke up a few times throughout the week with numb hands – a sure sign that nerves around my spine are trapped and it’s causing me to have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. A good few shakes and it turns into pins and needles… then disappears. We’ll have a sleep in tomorrow and be right as rain, I’m sure 🙂

I’m at the dentist on Monday 16th for my filling and gum guard – should be interesting! Then we’re back to UCLH for a re-scan of baby boy’s feet to confirm or exclude the Talipes. I’ll update as soon as I can with the results. He’ll be smashing, whatever the outcome 🙂


So what is happening to baby boy this week?

He’s beginning to exchange his long, lean look for some baby fat. As he does, his wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and he’ll start to look more like a newborn. His senses are becoming more sophisticated, too. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your belly, your baby will turn his head, which means his optic nerve is working.

Your baby’s brain is in overdrive these days, as he’s having to control a huge number of activities and processes going on throughout his body.

Although your baby is starting to fill the space in your womb they are still incredibly active and you may find the non-stop somersaulting quite tiring. Your baby’s also very responsive to all kinds of stimulus, reacting with sudden movements, changes in heart rate and in how often they suck.

Your baby is now starting to get familiar with certain sounds, including yours and your partner’s voice. They’ll find these sounds comforting both now and after they’re born.


Happy New Year!

My first post of 2012! Pretty exciting! I’m going to have a baby this year! Now that IS exciting. Exciting, exhilarating and well, scary! But I cannot wait!

I just wanted to give a quick note that today I am 10 weeks and 4 days. I feel huge. I have a proper bump. If I hadn’t have had an early scan already, I would definitely not be mistaken for having twins! I will have to take some photos of my bump in progress!

I’ve had a really bad cold the past few days – which I have struggled with at times due to not being able to have medication. But at least I’ve had a few days off because of the New Year, so have just slept and rested my feet up. Bliss. It’s back to work tomorrow though. BOOOOO!

Hope you all had enjoyable Christmasses and New Year celebrations – wishing you all the very best in 2012!


Pregnancy and the Flu Jab.

I received a letter last week from my doctors; offering a Free Flu vaccination. I was quite surprised I had been called for so early – but decided that receiving the jab was essential. This Winter’s Flu jab protects against the same three strains of Flu as last year’s vaccines. These include the H1N1 strain of the Flu virus. H1N1 is the same strain of Flu that caused the 2009 Swine Flu pandemic.

I had the injection on the morning of Saturday 10th December. By the afternoon my left arm was absolutely aching like hell! Then when I woke up on Sunday morning I just felt exhausted; with a really achy arm! By Sunday lunchtime, I was really flagging. I struggled to keep my eyes open – and could not make our usual Sunday roast! DP took care of the roast dinner, but I really had to force myself to eat it – for the sake of the baby growing inside me. I seriously had zero appetite. After lunch I slept all afternoon. I woke up at 10pm feeling even worse. I ached from head to toe. I felt weak and frail. I also noticed a huge red circle on my arm, where the injection had been performed.

I woke up on Monday morning at 6:45am, ready for work. Except I couldn’t lift my head off the pillow. I felt so so ill. My entire back was aching so much – especially the back of my lungs. I couldn’t even clench my fists. I had to call in sick. Only the second time in 3 years – so I think my boss understood ;o

I went back to work on Tuesday – still not feeling great. Infact, today is Wednesday and I still don’t feel 100%!

But hey ho – the side-effects from having the injection clearly out-weigh the effects of actually catching Flu in pregnancy!

For details on why you should get the Flu vaccination, see the dedicated NHS page, here: NHS.uk