Doctor's diary This is Going to Hurt wins public vote for book of the year | Society books | The Guardian


This Is Going to HurtThis Is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars




I’ve wanted to read this book since I first saw it on the shelves in 2017. But I kept missing the reservation at the library! Now that a BBC show has been made, I wanted to make sure I read the book before watching the show so went ahead and bought it instead.

My goodness me, this book was worth the wait. I absolutely loved this book; read it in 2 sittings. I couldn’t put it down. I’m passionately in love with the NHS and this personal account from Adam Kay is truly heartbreaking. The first-hand experiences of such skilled, talented and DEDICATED NHS-workers is outstanding, eye-opening and devastating. Adam writes with such comedic and conversational tones that make this an ‘easy’ read – I ploughed through it at pace.

I was left belly-laughing, crying and so angry my face turned red at times. Furious at reading what I already knew, but this book made it more real, tangible. I cannot recommend this book enough.

SURELY our NHS cannot continue in its current dire straits – pandemic or no pandemic – the NHS was already underfunded severely; as Adam Kay tells all. The current government, evidently, the Prime Minister and the Health secretary(s) and teams should be jailed for the situation we’re in right now with the NHS. The government has blood on its hands.

Just a side-note, I would suggest that this book may be triggering for those who are currently trying to conceive or are pregnant. There are some graphic diary entry depictions that may cause upset or distress.

I look forward to reading the next instalment by Adam Kay (Twas The Nightshift Before Christmas) and of course, watching the BBC series.

Thank you for sharing your important experiences Adam. What a truly wonderful human, doctor and writer you are.


For clarity, this is not a sponsored or paid post; though this post may contain affiliate links that earn me a teeny, tiny commission.  But be safe in the knowledge that I only shout about items that I genuinely believe in.


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This is Adam Kay on Twitter: @amateuradam

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You can buy this wonderful book, here :

Halloween costume inspiration, for kids!

We LOVE Halloween. But, we’d already decided before Mr Eli arrived that he was ALWAYS going to be a skeleton, with Converse on, at Halloween. Well, until he’s old enough to say “NO MORE NOW, PLEASE!”, of course.

But I can’t help but adore these following costumes I’ve found on Pinterest. Most of them would work at any time of the year too, not just Old Hallows Eve. ENJOY!

(Below is a small selection of the costumes I’ve pinned, to view the whole lot, click here >>> Halloween Inspiration)

UP, image taken from Pinterest.

E.T, image taken from Pinterest.

Fox costume, image taken from Pinterest.

Lady Liberty and Honest Abe, image taken from Pinterest.

Spray painted toy soldier (not sure how the poor bairn walks!), image taken from Pinterest.

Cardboard box dinosaur, image taken from Pinterest.

Don Draper (not sure how appropriate this is!), image taken from Pinterest.

Jesse and Walt (REALLY not sure how appropriate this is, either!), image taken from Pinterest.

Zombie kid! Image taken from Pinterest.