Weekly Update: 31 Weeks Pregnant.

Another pic of my massive Baby Boy! This was taken last week, at 30 weeks pregnant.

Baby size at 30 weeks: 41.1 cm long.

Baby weight at 30 weeks: 3+ lbs


Well this week has been horrendous! A mixture of fed up with work (and obviously the commute!) mixed with this glorious weather that I’m REALLY not coping with! See my blog post about the intense heat>> Coping with this heat (!!!) at (almost) 31 weeks pregnant.

My heartburn seems to have calmed down this week, but I have had increased Braxton Hicks! All very strange – but it’s not at all painful so I don’t mind so much right now. Baby Boy has kind of slowed down with his kicking, but is really really active still – he just keeps twisting and turning now instead! He’s definitely running out of space in there. Literally, everyone just keeps remarking on how “big” “massive” “ginormous” I am. Which is of course lovely! (Please note the sarcasm in my tone).

I’ve had my wrists slapped by OH as I have still haven’t started buying my Hospital Bag essentials or sorted out my Birth Plan! DEFINITELY doing both of these things on Sunday, whilst sat in the shade of the garden 🙂

We’re pretty excited to also be starting our NCT Antenatal Classes tomorrow! We have a long session tomorrow, 9:30am-4:30pm… and they then continue every Monday 8pm-10pm for 4 weeks. Really looking forward to meeting couples in our area as we haven’t lived here long.

Hope you’re all enjoying this weather!


So what is happening to baby boy this week?

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/31weeks/

Baby’s brain and nervous system are fully developed, although their movements would still be poorly co-ordinated if they were born now. Baby boy’s sucking reflex is fully developed, but he could still do with a little more practise before he has to feed from the breast.

Baby Boy’s lungs are developing so quickly that each day he spends in the womb increases his chance of being able to breathe unassisted. The adrenal glands are busy producing a hormone called cortisol, which stimulates the lungs to make surfactant. This oily liquid plays a vital role in helping your baby’s lungs work properly.


Weekly Update: 30 Weeks Pregnant // The final quarter!

Here we are then! With just 10 weeks (ish!) left to go.

Baby size at 30 weeks: 40cm long.

Baby weight at 30 weeks: 3 lbs


This week, again, I’ve felt increasingly fed up with work… and the commute. I’m just so so tired. Baby Boy is really beginning to take it out of me now! I just really need to get my feet up.

As of today, I have just 18 (non-consecutive) days left at my desk. Hurray! So fingers crossed that is going to fly by.

Otherwise, I’ve felt a little bit tetchy this week. I’m not sleeping so well. Getting up twice a night to nip to the loo… I suppose it’s all in good preparation! I’ve had Braxton Hicks, bad back pain and leg cramps this week. All part of the course, of course!

I managed to get some videos of Baby Boy wriggling around in my belly. So will upload those on a new post 🙂 He’s amazing. I’m so so proud of him. His hiccups have again increased. He usually has a hiccupping session at around 9:30am-10am, then again after lunch at about 2:30pm and then at bedtime, around 10pm. I really can’t help but feel like he’s irritated by it. I keep imagining his little face! Poor Boy!

We’ve also started stocking up on (more!) clothes. I just REALLY need to sort my hospital bag. I have made a massive geeky spreadsheet list, so just need to actually get out and get it all organised! *Must sort this week*.

So what is happening to baby boy this week?

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/30weeks/

Baby Boy’s lungs and digestive tract are almost fully developed. He continues to open and shut his eyes. He can probably see what’s going on inside your uterus, tell light from dark and even track a light source. If you shine a light on your stomach, he may move his head to follow the light or even reach out to touch the moving glow.
About a litre of amniotic fluid now surrounds baby,boy but that volume decreases as he gets bigger and has less room in your uterus.


Hospital Update: Meeting the Consultant and measuring 34 weeks at 28 weeks.

My favourite image of our Baby Boy so far! Taken at 20 weeks, UCLH. 20th March 2012.

Yesterday morning we drove up to Broomfield Hospital for another appointment with our Consultant; to discuss the findings from our last scan –The Bilateral Talipes. But our actual consultant was stuck on the M25 (of course), so we saw someone else and had to go through the whole rigmarole of explaining everything that’s happened in this rollercoaster of a pregnancy!

Fast forward half an hour and I’m on the couch being measured up with a tape measure again. At my Midwife appointment, less than a week ago, my bump was measuring up at 30cm, so 30 weeks – Weekly Update: 28 weeks. So had expected it to be about the same.The two Doctors measured me again… I was measuring 34cm, so one would assume, 34 weeks! UH OH.

I was referred for an emergency scan to check out baby boy’s measurements properly, along with an index of my amniotic fluid. Had to sit around the hospital for 3 hours until the scan. MASSIVE YAWN.

Had the scan and everything was FINE. He’s measuring up at 29 weeks (of which I am 29 weeks tomorrow). He weighs about 2 and a half pounds. He couldn’t be more spot on measurements wise, he’s spot on all the ‘average measurement’ lines on the scan graph. Which is great!

Also, my amniotic fluid is showing up at 6cm at the deepest point, which again, is absolutely normal! So everything is great. I just have a lot of my own water retention and bloating..possibly because I drink far too much water. What can I say? I’m a thirsty girl!

Additionally, the Sonographer also said that we no longer need to go back to have a scan at 32 weeks. She’s more than happy with the progress of everything and doesn’t see why we should have to go back to the hospital to review baby boy’s Talipes. Which is also fine by us! We’re over the moon! But at the same time, I’m also a little bit sad that we won’t be seeing our baby boy for a little while… in fact, the next time we see him will be when he’s ARRIVED! Which to be honest, is also a little bit scary! It’s all very very very REAL now. EXCITED.

So the moral of this story is, don’t believe the measurements! It was never going to be an exact science, measuring your bump – who thought it would be?!


Hospital Update: Baby Boy bump has (mild) Bilateral Talipes.

Wednesday 18th April: Re-scan at UCLH, Fetal Medicine Unit.

This morning we visited the Fetal Medicine Unity in UCLH (University College London Hospital) for the re-scan of baby boy bump’s feet – to confirm or exclude Talipes (Club Foot). Since my worrying Midwife appointment the other week, I’ve thought about nothing other than the results we might find at the scan today. Not about his feet though, I was thinking about everything else that it could be linked to. Yesterday the panic set in again and I started googling all sorts, which we all know, is probably the worst thing you can do – ever! Based on the, err, google search findings, I’d really worried myself about how his spine might be developing, as Talipes can be the result of other genetic disorders. This all combined with the Midwife appointment made me really really quite anxious in that waiting from this morning.

Appointment was for 9am, we arrived early, as always, at 8:30am. We went into see the FMU and Speciality Doctor who has performed our most recent scans at UCLH, at about 9:15am. Our Speciality Doctor is beyond thorough, so started off with checking the progress of the brain and heart. Then he went on to check other internal organs for size and function, making the necessary measurements and notes as he went along. (See below for measurements from this scan!) He muttered that “everything is developing beautifully”. Then he turned to the back, looking at the spine and ribcage. He pondered over the spine and I clenched onto OH’s hand. The Doctor didn’t say anything so I asked “Is his spine ok?”. He smiled and said “Of course, he’s beautifully in proportion and developing as he should be. It’s a good thing!”. PHEW. I was happy at that point 🙂

As baby boy bump has proven at every single scan, he’s a wriggler. He moves non-stop. Which is amazing! But not great when the Doctor is trying to desperately get a good view of his feet! It was at this point that he got the 4D scanning images up again – which is just incredible. It’s so amazing to see your baby’s face like that – unbelievable to be honest! But he was really wanting to get a good view of his feet… so it was a quick look at his cute-as-a-button face and then back to business.

The Doctor scanned his feet for about 15 minutes using both the 4D and 2D imaging. He then turned to us and said that he was “convinced there is a degree of Bilateral Talipes. But is extremely mild”. He then went on to discuss corrective methods and said he’d like the Consultant to take a look. The Consultant arrived and said that the Talipes was so mild that “I probably would have missed it to be honest!”.

So with all this in mind, we’re over the moon. Couldn’t be happier. We always knew this baby boy of ours would be a character, and he’s certainly that!

We”ve now been discharged from UCLH and referred back to the care of Broomfield. We will have another scan (YES!) at 32 weeks to see the progression of the Talipes. This will be our 8th scan, although these scans have not been under happy circumstances (mostly), we’re extremely grateful that we’ve been lucky enough to see our baby boy growing at every single stage. As long as the Talipes has progressed as it should (or hopefully, not at all) then we’ll remain within the care of Broomfield. We will not be treated any differently for the birth, so there is no reason for me not to have the Water Birth I’m planning! Once baba is born, we’ll obviously review the extent of the Talipes and take it from there.

Measurements at 25 weeks and 5 days.

Biparietal Diameter (BPD): 67.9 mm

Head Circumference (HC): 243.9 mm

Abdominal Circumference (AC): 213.3 mm

Nuchal Fold Thickness (NT): 5.6 mm

Nasal Bone: 7.4 mm

Femur Length: 45.5 mm

Estimated Fetal Weight (BPD, HC, AC, FL) :842 g / 1 lb 14oz

4D scan of baby boy’s face. He has my nose and chin and OH’s eyes. He’s playing hide and seek here though unfortunately!