Weekly Update: 37 Weeks Pregnant // Full Term!

Here we are at 36 + 3 weeks pregnant! Not long now!

Baby size at 37 weeks: 49 cm long.

Baby weight at 37 weeks:  6.1+ lbs


This week we are FULL TERM! Absolutely ecstatic 😀

So this weekly update comes to you late, again. I had to give the interw3bz the old ‘heave ho’ this last week as I was ACTUALLY resting up! I’m finally listening to what my body wants… Well, I gave in more like.

This week I have somehow managed to develop PUPPP (pruritic uticarial pupules and placques of pregnancy or also known as, polymorphic eruption of pregnancy). With me being small and petite before my pregnancy, my tummy has had a good old stretch into my third trimester, where I started getting stretch marks to my hips, upper thighs and some under my belly button. But that was it…. I had my pregnancy massage last week and noted that some of the stretch marks under my belly button were sore and itchy. Since then, they became REALLY itchy. To point where I have zero self-control and have itched them to the point of bleeding. The stretch marks formed bumpy rashes that have since developed into ‘hive’ like spots. The rashes have spread to my upper and lower (inside) arms, behind my knees and my chest. It’s the most uncomfortable thing ever. PUPPP mixed with SPD has been horrendous. Through false labour into the equation and you have my week pretty much wrapped up!

So what could be causing the PUPPP? Well, PUPPP is more common in mothers with large fundal measurements and/or those who are carrying large babies, twins, and triplets. Certain studies reveal that this condition is more frequent in women carrying boys, although no formal research has been conducted. Statistics cite that 70% percent of PUPPP sufferers deliver boys.

Well, as I have documented throughout my updates, baby boy bump has always measured large (around 5 weeks bigger than the average measurements). In fact, at my last midwife appointment he was described as “larger than average”. So this all adds up. I’ve only been able to lather myself in E45 cream and continued to take Piriton which I was prescribed for my Hayfever. I’ve also tried E45 oil in luke-warm baths (hot water can irritate the rash and make you even more itchy!). It doesn’t seem to be getting any better to be quite truthful, but allegedly it’s another one of those pregnancy ailments that just magically disappear when you finally pop! So fingers crossed!

So as you can probably tell, I am not a happy bunny all-in-all.

So what is happening to baby boy this week?

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/37weeks/

Your baby is now considered to be “full term”. That means they are capable of feeding and breathing outside the womb without any medical assistance. Your baby is starting to look nice and plump, and will continue putting weight on steadily until they’re born. The new fat stores are keeping their body temperature about 0.3-0.5°C above yours. They’ll need to be wrapped up warmly after they’re born though, otherwise their bare wet skin will lose heat rapidly. Your baby is also showing all the reflexes they will have as a newborn, curling their fingers and toes tightly around objects (grasp reflex) and turning their head and opening their mouth when something touches their cheek (rooting reflex). They’ll need this last reflex to find your nipple once they’re born.
Your baby’s head is now cradled in your pelvic cavity – surrounded and protected by your pelvic bones. This position clears some much-needed space for his growing legs and buttocks. Many babies now have a full head of hair, with locks up to 3.5cm long. And then, of course, some babies don’t have any hair at all. Speaking of hair, most of the downy coat of lanugo that covered your baby from 26 weeks has disappeared, and so has most of the vernix caseosa, the protective whitish substance that also covered him.



Weekly Update: 36 Weeks Pregnant

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/36weeks/

Baby size at 36 weeks: 47 cm long.
Baby weight at 36weeks:  5.9+ lbs


So this has been my first week away from work… it’s been strange. It feels like I’m just on holiday at the minute and have to go back next week! Very surreal.

I’ve had a busy week this week, despite trying to relax. On Monday I went to see a Physio regarding my SPD. There’s literally nothing we can do. I just have to suck it up basically. But the Physio did say that because of the way my coccyx has moved, it’s actually in a better position for labour – along with the fact that all of my ligaments have softened early. It should all make for a more comfortable birth (FINGERS CROSSED!!).

On Tuesday I had a Mummy-To-Be massage! It was incredible! I will be writing a separate post on this.

Wednesday we had a tumble dryer delivered! Considering the weather, we can’t really use the whirlygig (as much as I’d love to!) and we just won’t have the space to hang the laundry to dry around the house soon – so it made sense! Especially as I’ll be washing A LOT more soon!

Yesterday I had my standard Midwife appointment. Baby boy is still measuring up big – 38 and half weeks! The Midwife also pointed out that Baby Boy feels “larger than average”. OH DEAR. She also said that she thinks he may weigh something in the region of 9 and half lbs at full term. OUCH. I’m only 5 ft 1, so it’s absolutely no wonder I’ve been in agony with my pelvis! He’s a heavy boy! Baby Boy has also slid further into my pelvis and is sitting “low”. Aside from that, everything is absolutely normal.

I then met up with some of the lovely ladies from my NCT group and we went along to a session called ‘Bumps and Babes’ in Brentwood. The four of us were the only bumps there… but there were lots of babes! It was so so nice to catch up with the girls from my group, outside of the group and without partners! But it was also great to observe new mum’s and their beautiful babies for the afternoon. It was a great insight into how babies behave and react in the early early months… and made us all feel a lot more positive about taking our brand new baba’s out. Added bonus was coffee and cake! Yummy. Will hopefully be able to go next week too.

Feeling-wise, I’m still suffering with my SPD. It’s really painful after walking… and when I get up first thing. I’ve had another increase in Braxton Hicks and been getting stabbing pains in my undercarriage – apparently all normal.


So what is happening to baby boy this week?

Any time now, your baby might start to move down lower in the pelvis, getting ready to be born. This is called ‘lightening’. Your little one weighs around 6lb this week and is about 47cm long.