Halloween costume inspiration, for kids!

We LOVE Halloween. But, we’d already decided before Mr Eli arrived that he was ALWAYS going to be a skeleton, with Converse on, at Halloween. Well, until he’s old enough to say “NO MORE NOW, PLEASE!”, of course.

But I can’t help but adore these following costumes I’ve found on Pinterest. Most of them would work at any time of the year too, not just Old Hallows Eve. ENJOY!

(Below is a small selection of the costumes I’ve pinned, to view the whole lot, click here >>> Halloween Inspiration)

UP, image taken from Pinterest.

E.T, image taken from Pinterest.

Fox costume, image taken from Pinterest.

Lady Liberty and Honest Abe, image taken from Pinterest.

Spray painted toy soldier (not sure how the poor bairn walks!), image taken from Pinterest.

Cardboard box dinosaur, image taken from Pinterest.

Don Draper (not sure how appropriate this is!), image taken from Pinterest.

Jesse and Walt (REALLY not sure how appropriate this is, either!), image taken from Pinterest.

Zombie kid! Image taken from Pinterest.


That old argument: To eat or not to eat the Placenta?

It’s just been revealed that Mad (wo)Man, January Jones, ate her own placenta after giving birth to her first child last year.

The placenta hold key, essential vitamins that can boost energy after a draining birth. But what are your thoughts on consuming your own placenta? Do you know anyone, or have you yourself eaten your own placenta post-birth?

Would love to hear your thoughts!