Weekly Update: 24 Weeks Pregnant

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/24weeks/

Baby size at 24 weeks: 30cm long.

Baby weight at 24 weeks: 600g+


Had a tiring week this week. I’ve tried eating lots of fruit to up my sugar levels, but ended up with really bad heartburn! The woes of pregnancy eh?

I also had my first actual midwife appointment with my local midwife at Brentwood Community Hospital. I left feeling quite worried however. I’m ok now… but I clearly had a lot of explaining to do with regards to our journey from Week 1 – week 24 so far. So much has happened. We’ve had a complicated pregnancy… But the midwife just looked really concerned with everything I was telling her. Bringing the journey right up to date, I explained that we had another scan at UCLH on 18th to confirm or exclude Baby Boy’s suspected Talipes of his left foot. She looked really concerned and said “Why? Why are they doing another scan? That *never* happens?”. To which I was alarmed and explained that it’s probably because UCLH is a Research Hospital and they’re being thorough. But it did make me think, what if there was something else that was suspected during the last scan, but not explained to us? Are they not telling me something I should know?

After to speaking to many on Twitter, we’ve concluded she’s probably just a midwife that hasn’t come across notes like mine in her (short, so far) career…


Baby boy has been especially active in the past few days. His favourite song this week is “Something” by The Beatles. His version of ‘classic’ 😉 He gets extremely bouncing when I join in singing, which is amazing. I love it so much!

So what is happening to baby boy this week?

The spine is becoming strong now and supports the rest of the body as it grows. Thanks to this growth spurt he is starting to fill your uterus and can’t stretch out to their full length any more.

His nostrils, which have been closed till now, open and his sense of taste is becoming more sensitive. Baby boy may even pull an expression of disgust if something you eat gives the amniotic fluid an unpleasant taste.

Your baby is now said to be “viable”, which means if they were born this week they would have roughly a 40% chance of survival.

Though your baby still has little body fat and his skin is thin and fragile, he’s well-proportioned. His brain is growing rapidly, tastebuds have fully developed, and his footprints and fingerprints are continuing to form. Inside his body, his lungs are developing branches of the respiratory tree as well as cells that produce surfactant. This substance will help him air sacs inflate once he reaches the outside world.


Weekly Update: 23 Weeks Pregnant

Baby size at 23 weeks: 29cm long.

Baby weight at 23 weeks: 500g+


So here is the first *actual* picture of me on my blog. It’s always just been ambiguous bump pictures! I’m still feeling really good. I went to the dentist yesterday and as suspected, I need to have a filling… but I was also fitted for a night gum guard. Has anyone else had this during pregnancy? I think I grind my teeth in my sleep anyway, but with everything else thats going on, my teeth are super sensitive.

Baby boy is kicking an incredible amount – getting much stronger too. To the point where it shocks me sometimes! I absolutely love it. I can’t get enough of him to be honest! OH and I get into bed on a night and lay for 10 minutes or so, with OH resting his ear on my tummy. He can now fully feel our baby kicking – AND hear when he does too! Which is amazing. I’m so so pleased he can finally feel him and share the experience. It’s just wonderful!

On an additional note, we played Enya’s “Orinoco Flow” to my tummy last night and baby boy had a really good kick. We’re convinced he’s definitely an Enya fan 😀

So what is happening to baby boy this week?

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/23weeks/

His hearing is established and around now he may be able to make out a distorted version of your voice, the beating of your heart and your stomach rumblings.

When your baby is born, loud noises he has often heard in the uterus (womb), such as the barking of a dog or the roar of a vacuum cleaner, probably won’t bother him.

Some people swear by the theory that unborn babies prefer classical music. So in the coming months you could put on relaxing Bach or Mozart for his enjoyment – and yours!


New Look: Maternity collection re-launch!

High Street favourites, New Look, have just re-launched their Maternity range with a bang! They’ve created a dedicated section on their site to shop and explore – with styling and fit guides, as well as how to dress like celebrity-mothers-to-be.

New Look are also offering yummy mummy favourite brands exclusively online – check out Mamalicious Maternity and Heavenly Bump Maternity.

Along with the site relaunch there are some really nice Spring/Summer pieces available. It’s also worth noting that their Jeans range come in a variety of sizes and leg lengths! 34″, 32″, 30″ and 28″ – which is absolutely brilliant considering I’m a petite mum-to-be. This is the first retailer that I’ve so far seen offering a variety of leg lengths – so kudos to New Look!

Here are some of my favourite styles that I’m just going to have to purchase!

Mama.Licious Hillary V Neck Dress, £39.99. Click here to purchase exclusively at NewLook.com

Jersey Maxi Dress, £19.99. Click here to purchase exclusively at NewLook.com

Mama.Licious City Striped Long Tee, £21.99. Click here to purchase exclusively at NewLook.com

28″ Skinny Jeans, Was £15.99 Now £10.99. Click here to purchase exclusively at NewLook.com

3 Pack of bump bands, £9.99. Click here to purchase exclusively at NewLook.com

2 Pack of full length Leggings, £14.99. Click here to purchase exclusively at NewLook.com

Butterfly Dress, £27.99. Click here to purchase exclusively at NewLook.com


Weekly Update: 22 Weeks Pregnant

Baby size at 22 weeks: 28cm long.

Baby weight at 22 weeks: 430g.


I’m feeling great – still! Definitely feel like I’m getting enough sleep, so have more energy. My bump is pretty massive – although the baby boy inside is in proportion! So that’s good.

Baby Boy is still moving about lots and lots. He’s certainly enjoying himself.

We were at both UCLH and Broomfield this week. Will be writing up the results of both visits shortly.


So what is happening to baby boy this week?

Fig 1: http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/22weeks/


Your baby’s legs aren’t curled up so tightly to his tummy now. This means he can be measured from the top of her head to his heels, instead of his bottom. He is proportioned like a newborn, albeit a thinner version since his baby fat hasn’t yet developed.

Although he’s getting heavier every day, his skin still appears wrinkled and translucent because he needs to gain more weight. His lips are distinct and his eyes are formed, though the coloured part (the iris) still lacks pigment. The pancreas, essential in the production of hormones, is developing steadily.

He can now hear when you talk – try singing or reading to them and see if you get any kicks in response.


Pre-Conception visit to GP.

This week I went to my GP for a number of things, one of the main reasons was to discuss pre-conception and to make my GP aware that I was embarking on the journey to conception.

My GP wasn’t great and made me feel like I was massively wasting her time… I asked if I should be referred for pre-conception immunisations. She replied with a stark “You’re in your late 20’s, you won’t need any”. THANKS.

I then asked if there was anything else I should be doing or taking. She just shrugged! Couldn’t believe it! I said I was already taking Folic Acid and Vitamin D, as per advice from my previous GP. She then said I shouldn’t be taking Vitamin D just yet… Is this true? It’s not like we’ve had much in the way of sunshine recently.

What was your experience pre-conception like? Did you take anything additional to Vitamin D or Folic Acid? Keen to hear your insights.