MASSIVE catch up! The 12 week scan and what followed…

I can only apologise for not writing on this blog more frequently. But when you read my following posts (to come!) you’ll completely understand why it’s been a difficult couple of weeks.

I’m going to be magic and go back in time and catch up on EVERYTHING that has happened since the beginning of January. Circumstances have occurred since our 12 week scan that we hadn’t even read/heard about, nevermind had the time to contemplate. BUT, we’re through the other side now and, certain that everything will continue on the successful streak that we’re currently embarking on!

So let’s go back to the beginning then…

Monday 16th January 2012: 8:45am – The 12 Week Scan.

We eagerly waited to be called into the Scanning room  at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, with a overly full bladder (ouch!). We were briefed by a Midwife regarding the 12 week optional screening… we had already agreed between us that we wanted to go ahead with the screening. The screening that day would include a blood test and further look at several measurements of our little babbit during the scan.

We were beyond surprised to see how big our little babbit was! He was so lively too – bouncing all over, waving and dancing!

During the scan the sonographer looks at the nuchal fold and gives a measurement based on the visible fluid.  Also known as the Nuchal Translucency measurement, this screening looks at the thickness of soft tissues at the nape of neck of the foetus. It was revealed that the Nuchal Translucency measurement for us, was on the cusp of the borderline between normal and ‘high’. The result measured at 3.5 mm. This is the actual borderline. We just couldn’t believe it. Albeit, it wasn’t as high as some peoples’ measurements that we’d heard of – some as high as 10 mm.

From then on, we were whisked off to a counselling room where another Midwife briefed us on our options.

We decided that we wanted further investigation and while I was having bloods taken, a referred to the Fetal Medicine Unit at University College London Hospital (UCLH) was set up . Because of the sensitivity of time, the referral was organised for the very next day. The appointment at UCLH would include a detailed scan, councelling and the invasive Chronic Villus Sampling (CVS) procedure based on the results of the scan and our consent. CVS would be able to tell us if there were any genetic/chromosomal abnormalities.


Here is our precious little babbit – aged 12+3 weeks. Due date measured as 27th July 2012 – the day the Olympics begin!

We went straight back to work following the scan and revelations. I spoke to my boss, who was beyond understanding. He agreed to giving me the rest of the week off owing the invasive nature of CVS and the risks attached (2% risk of miscarrying).

Once we got home, we looked online to try and fathom what actually happens after CVS and other peoples’ experiences. We found lots of forum posts and blog posts on CVS and the procedure, but failed to find details on what happened post-CVS, the results and what it means. Hence, why these following blog posts are going to be a little bit more detailed than my usual posts. We just wanted to share our experience with everyone!





Happy New Year!

My first post of 2012! Pretty exciting! I’m going to have a baby this year! Now that IS exciting. Exciting, exhilarating and well, scary! But I cannot wait!

I just wanted to give a quick note that today I am 10 weeks and 4 days. I feel huge. I have a proper bump. If I hadn’t have had an early scan already, I would definitely not be mistaken for having twins! I will have to take some photos of my bump in progress!

I’ve had a really bad cold the past few days – which I have struggled with at times due to not being able to have medication. But at least I’ve had a few days off because of the New Year, so have just slept and rested my feet up. Bliss. It’s back to work tomorrow though. BOOOOO!

Hope you all had enjoyable Christmasses and New Year celebrations – wishing you all the very best in 2012!


Coming clean about your pregnancy at work.

So as I mentioned in my previous post, I felt it was the right time to speak to my boss about my pregnancy. Although I am still within the first trimester I feel I owe it to him and the company to come clean. After the Christmas party and the festive drinks and meals of the week before, I was told by a close friend and colleague that people think I might be pregnant… I hadn’t even told her the news yet either! SO I had to REALLY play it down. I had planned to tell EVERYONE ELSE after the 12 weeks. Just to be safe. But now that people were ‘gossiping’ about my impending situation, I felt I had a responsibility to tell my manager before anyone else catches up with him.

So on the morning after the office Christmas party (Friday 23rd) it just so happened that we were the first to turn up at the office… I had a feeling that most people would be arriving somewhat late to work. So I took this as a prime opportunity to take him aside for a chat.

It also, just so happens, that he had an inkling. So when I asked for a chat he had an instant smile on his face. He knew. He so knew.

So I basically said that DP and I were ‘expecting’. To which he grabbed me and shouted congratulations and I KNEW IT! So yes, he did know. I was somewhat taken aback by his excitement. I knew he’d be happy for us as I’ve worked at the company for many years now and I do know my boss outside of work because of this. So I was pleased it wasn’t a shock for him. Ultimately however, as a department, this is the first baby to arrive. SO! It’s going to be a learning curve for everyone that I work around, including my boss. He suggested that I wait for my chat with HR until after Christmas when everyone is back in the swing of things and it can be dealt with properly.

So yesterday I had my chat with HR and they sent a ‘Risk Assessment’ form to my boss for completion. They have also sent me a Guide to Maternity on behalf of the company which outlines the rules and regulations at company-level but also my entitlements and legal standing from the government too.

So that’s that – I’m officially pregnant at work! But shhh, nobody else knows!

Are there any tips or tricks that you found whilst being pregnant at work that might be beneficial?


Christmas Party Woes!

It’s that time of year when there are LOTS of invitations to festive drinks and meals. I’ve had TWO important ‘festive drinks’ and a ‘festive meal’ with external companies through work this week… AND I’ve just got back from my office Christmas Party.

I’ve documented my previous struggles with excuses for not drinking in the below blog posts:

TTC: Excuses for not drinking!
TTC: Excuses for not drinking, PART DEUX.

It’s been a struggle again, but because of my recent trips to the hospital I have just been saying that I’m on strict orders not to drink until my “blood test results come back”. I’m pretty certain that people are not convinced – but I have had quite a lot of sympathy! 🙂

So at tonight’s office Christmas party there was the usual free-flowing booze from the onset. I’m usually the one guzzling the freebie’s and dancing the night away… but things are obviously quite different this year! Upon arrival there were ready-made cocktails, with jugs of the same cocktails ready for people who wanted a refill. I obviously couldn’t drink them so politely asked the barmaid for a ‘soft drink’. To my dismay she REFUSED and said that it was the ready made cocktails for the first hour and ‘custom drinks’ could be prepared thereafter. So I said, “I don’t wish to drink a customised drink, I’d just like a lemonade or a tonic water please?”. I actually could not understand!! To my further dismay, she pulled over her manager, who reiterated to me that there were no additional drinks until after 8pm….and that I could have a glass of water if I was “desperate”. Seriously, how rude?!! Nevermind being pregnant – I could be allergic to alcohol, or alcohol may even be against my religion! (Neither of these are true, but they don’t know that!). Has anyone else had trouble with mardy waiting staff?!

Despite being post-8pm I still struggled throughout the evening to obtain non-alcoholic drinks. The music was so loud that most bar staff thought I was asking for Vodka and Lemonade when I was simply asking for ‘JUST LEMONADE PLEASE!’. By 10pm I was absolutely exhausted and frankly, sick of the people behind the bar so left ready for home! Several colleagues did question whether I was pregnant… Most of whom were pretty much beyond drunk and wouldn’t have remembered my answer the next day anyway. But I did shrug all awkward questions off with “Maybe next year”.

Because of the amount of appointments and phone calls I’ve been making during working hours (and the CONSTANT not drinking anxiety!), I feel that the time has come to tell my boss what is really happening. I’m kind of looking forward to finally getting it off my chest – albeit, I know it’s still really early doors. I’d just hate to have people thinking I’m taking advantage…

Wish me luck!




Telling your own parents that you’re going to become a parents.

We were quite torn about telling our parents the amazing news… As I’m only 5 weeks pregnant, it’s still really early days. But then again, we really wanted to share the news face-to-face (as we now live 300 miles away! And Facetime just wouldn’t cut this type of news…). Plus, the next time we’re visiting the motherland, I’ll be almost 13 weeks pregnant and could definitely not have held it in for THAT long!

So we decided that we’d tell my parents first, on Saturday 25th November. The first time that the four of us got together. We were sat watching TV in the late afternoon… my DP subtly kicking me to make the announcement. So at 7pm, on the dot, I began with “As we’re all sat down together, we have something exciting to tell you…”. My Dad being my Dad, jumped in and said “You’re pregnant…?”. As I tearfully nodded my Mum jumped up in congratulations. I have to say, I was more worried about announcing it to my parents than my in-laws. I’m the youngest and it’s my parents first grandchild! But it was great. My parents are over the moon – they grabbed a bottle of champagne (and I had a glass of lemonade) in celebration.

Announcement Two came the next morning when we arrived at my in-laws. Again, we all sat down in the lounge when my DP began with “We’ve got something to tell you…” and my Mother in-law (to be) went white and said “You’re having a baby!”. So we didn’t actually get to say those words… both our parents guessed!

We have reiterated that we don’t want the pregnancy news spreading outside the close family circle (Grandparents and Sisters families), until after our 12 week scan. So we’ll tell the rest of our family and friends after the 12 week mark too. Which is already proving very difficult – I can’t wait to tell my close friends! They’ll be ecstatic! After all, this is something we have planned for the past 2 years!

I will also need to figure out at what point I tell work. The timing needs to be just right.

When did you first tell your family and friends? Did you do anything as a means of a surprise for your family, for the announcement?


And so the journey really begins…

We did another TWO pregnancy tests, just to be sure. And sure enough, all three tests came back positive. We’re so delighted I can’t even tell you. Albeit, I do feel very surreal and not very pregnant? I’m sure I’ll absolutely eat those words later into the pregnancy however!

So without further ado, I wanted to get all of the dates in place!

According to my charts, my LMP was indeed the ‘strange’ one beginning on 20th October. So as per my LMP, I calculate the below notable dates. We were intimate on 1st November, 3rd November, 4th November and 6th November; then my DP went on a business trip with work. So the Conception date of 3rd November rings about right!

Ovulation date: 2nd November 2011.
Conception date: 3rd November 2011.
Implantation date: 11th November 2011.
Due date: 26th July 2011.

So this all makes me around 4 weeks and 6 days pregnant. All in all, we were TTC for around 2-3 months… I know it felt like forever, but we’re really very lucky.

Next thing to think about is organising a trip to the doctors to register my pregnancy and of course, telling our parents the amazing news! Which might actually happen sooner than we thought it might… we have a trip to the motherland planned, TOMORROW!